Lagom is approaching end of life: possible migration paths
What should be the replacement? How to architect the migration path? What kind of options do we have? Adam Warski (@adamwarski) |
WebSockets in Scala, Part 2: Integrating Redis and PostgreSQL
In this iteration, we’ll be integrating Redis to keep track of the users and rooms and we’ll also be persisting messages in Postgres so that new users can have access to previous conversations. Finally, We’ll get rid of chatState and create a new protocol that interacts with Postgres and Redis. Herbert Kateu (@kateuherbert) |
Scala service combined with PostgreSQL, Flyway, Doobie, Ciris, IO(Cats Effects), Http4s…
A step-by-step guide. Nicu Ciobanu |
Akka 24.05: More Security. More Performance. More Efficiency. Jonas Bonér (@jboner) |
Forking and Interruption in ZIO
I recently encountered a bug in my application that caused it to hang during startup. The only change made was upgrading ZIO from version 2.0.x to 2.1.0. After some investigation, I discovered the issue was related to how I was forking fibers and a change in the behavior of Reloadable introduced in the new version. Let me explain what happened because I was very much surprised by the unexpected change. Jakub Janeček (@jakubjanecek) |