GSOC 2025: Call for contributors
We are thrilled to announce that the Scala Center organization has been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2025! Scala Center (@scala_lang) |
Drawing Heighway’s Dragon - Recursive Function Rewrite
From Imperative Style in Pascal 64 To Functional Style in Scala 3 Philip Schwarz (@philip_schwarz) |
From Python to Scala: Rewriting 27k Lines of a CLI
This is the story of sbcontrol, an internal tool created within SwissBorg to facilitate communication with internal APIs (gRPC and Kafka) for operational and testing purposes. Voytek Pituła (@Krever01) |
JDK 17 will be the next minimum version required by Scala 3
Scala 3 will require JDK 17+, starting from Scala 3.8. This will enable the compiler and ecosystem to move faster and leverage new features and APIs. Tomasz Godzik (@TomekGodzik) |
Spotify FOSS Fund 2024
We’re excited to announce that Typelevel has been chosen as a recipient of the 2024 Spotify FOSS Fund! As a result, Spotify has donated €20,000 to Typelevel’s OpenCollective. Andrew Valencik |