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November 29th, 2024, ISSUE 559


Last bounties to collect for tapir and sttp

Gain $750-$1000.
SoftwareMill (@softwaremill)
Mill $1000 bounty: Use Scala-Native for Mill Client

Another bounty, this time for the Mill build tool.
Li Haoyi (@li_haoyi)
A ZIO 2 + Scala 3 + MySQL database + ZIO HTTP server example application

In this case I use the Scalikejdbc library, but as you can see from the code, you can use any Scala, Java, or JVM SQL library you want. This is almost the “simplest possible”, “Hello world” application that shows all these features.
Alvin Alexander (@alvinalexander)
Free Develocity Build Scans

Build and test metrics for a specific Scala project, allowing for deep analysis with failures and other issues. So far over 2000 Scala apps have used our free service!


10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!

Use our exclusive promo code ScalaTimesFS2024!
Ziverge (@zivergetech)
Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland

Join Scalar Conference 2025 and prepare for two exciting days of learning about functional programming with a fantastic community.
Scalar Conference (@scalarconf)


Webinar: Introducing Akka 3

In this webinar, Akka leaders Jonas Bonér (Founder and CTO), Tyler Jewell (CEO), and Dan Rosanova (Senior VP of Product Management) share and demonstrate game-changing innovation for distributed applications.
Jonas Bonér, Tyler Jewell, Dan Rosanova
Capabilities for Control

Today’s server-side programs use sophisticated abstractions for effects such as scheduling parallel and asynchronous computations, error handling, or resource management. Capabilities are a convenient way to structure such computations and establish their safety. The object-capability model, which at its core is more than 50 years old, is currently experiencing a renaissance as an inspiration for new type systems that manage effects. It turns out that a capability-based approach can solve sticky problems about effect polymorphism, including the “what color is your function?” problem. In my talk I show how we can use capabilities to model effects, how we can control the lifetime of capabilities, and how that provides a simple and expressive foundation to compose control effects flexibly.
Martin Odersky (@Odersky)


sbt-projectmatrix 0.10.1

fixes Scala 2.13-3.x sandwich support.
Eugene Yokota (@eed3si9n)
Ox 0.5.5

More flow operations: flatMap, flatten, flattenPar, groupBy.
Adam Warski (@adamwarski)

  1. Scala Times Issue #575

    Data Plumber - Data Integration Pipeline. 15% discount for Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th, Warsaw, Poland. London Scala User Group Meetup, Apr 16th, London. J On the Beach, May 14th - 16th, Málaga, Spain. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th, Kraków, Poland.

  2. Scala Times Issue #574

    Debugging session #2: Scala 3 lazy vals & serialization. Infrastructure as types: introducing TypeOps. 15% discount for Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th, Warsaw, Poland. London Scala User Group Meetup, Apr 16th, London. J On the Beach, May 14th - 16th, Málaga, Spain.

  3. Scala Times Issue #573

    GSOC 2025: Call for contributors. Drawing Heighway’s Dragon - Recursive Function Rewrite. From Python to Scala: Rewriting 27k Lines of a CLI. Spotify FOSS Fund 2024. Functional World #16, Mar 11th, Online Event.

  4. Scala Times Issue #572

    Rock the JVM partners with the Scala Center. Typelevel Summer of Code 2025. Functional World #16, Mar 11th, Online Event. 15% discount for Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th, Warsaw, Poland. London Scala User Group Meetup, Apr 16th, London.

  5. Scala Times Issue #571

    Fast Incremental JVM Assembly Jar Creation with Mill. Calling Scala Native from Java using FFM. Announcing Scala Days 2025, Aug 19th - 21st, Lausanne, Switzerland. Scala In The City, Feb 25th, Hamburg, Germany. Scala in the City, Feb 26th, Berlin, Germany.

  6. Scala Times Issue #572

    Fast Incremental JVM Assembly Jar Creation with Mill. Calling Scala Native from Java using FFM. Announcing Scala Days 2025, Aug 19th - 21st, Lausanne, Switzerland. Scala In The City, Feb 25th, Hamburg, Germany. Scala in the City, Feb 26th, Berlin, Germany.

  7. Scala Times Issue #570

    Scala Highlights from 2024. Rust from a Scala Perspective: Advent of Code 2024. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th, Warsaw, Poland. J On the Beach, May 14th - 16th, Málaga, Spain. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th, Kraków, Poland.

  8. Scala Times Issue #569

    Scala Tooling Spree #1 recap. Scala 3 Migration: Report from the Field. Circuit Breaker — Ox 0.x documentation. The joys of messaging without a message bus. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  9. Scala Times Issue #568

    GSoC 2025: Call for Scala projects. Next Scala 3 LTS series will increase minimum required JDK version. Pre-SIP: A Syntax for Collection Literals. Scala Macros and Metaprogramming course. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  10. Scala Times Issue #567

    Recap of Advent of Code 2024. Running Cask with Virtual Threads. Zio Schema vs Rust Serde. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland.

  11. Scala Times Issue #566

    Random Scala Tip #568: Beware of Leaking Iterators. Announcing ScalaMock 7. Functional Programming In Scala, Jan 25th, Online Event. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland.

  12. Scala Times Issue #565

    Random Scala Tip #697: Avoid Anonymous Functions as Dependencies. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland. IntelliJ IDEA x Scala - Enums Support.

  13. Scala Times Issue #564

    Google Summer of Code 2024 - Going Feral on The Cloud. Rant on Scala3 tooling (IntelliJ/metals). Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland. Where Are the Scala Frameworks? .

  14. Scala Times Issue #563

    Rust vs Scala: Facts and Hype. The IntelliJ Scala Plugin in 2024. Technical Note: Using Circe with java.net.http. Faster CI with Selective Testing. Gems in the Scala Ecosystem.

  15. Scala Times Issue #562

    What Scala has to offer for Java devs. Purify Your Tests Episode IV: The Monoids Strike Back. Scala 2 maintenance plans. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland.

  16. Scala Times Issue #561

    Scala's Hidden Treasures: Five ZIO-Compatible Libraries you didn't know you needed!. A succinct early exit trick for Option in Scala. Integrate JobRunr into Play Framework. Relative simple and small type-driven dependency injection. Scala Space in 2025 .

  17. Scala Times Issue #560

    Free Develocity Build Scans. Pragmatic Type-Level Design. Join us for the Advent of Code 2024. Zio-kafka, faster than java-kafka. Debugging a Scala Compilation Issue, a journey into Variance and LUB.

  18. Scala Times Issue #559

    Last bounties to collect for tapir and sttp. Mill $1000 bounty: Use Scala-Native for Mill Client. Free Develocity Build Scans. 10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  19. Scala Times Issue #558

    New Module Layout for sbt Projects. How I SBT - V. Zionomicon for ZIO 2.1 (free ebook). 10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  20. Scala Times Issue #557

    What is Functional Programming?. Announcing Akka 3. Idiomatic dependency injection for ZIO applications in Scala. ZIO in 2025. Upcoming Changes to Givens in Scala 3.7.

  21. Scala Times Issue #556

    Benchmark results: jsoniter-scala vs simdjson-java . Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris. Functional Scala CFP, Dec 5th, online event. 10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!.

  22. Scala Times Issue #555

    (In)Validating Library Design. Postmortem of Scala 3.6.0. How to implement LETS on ChainCash. Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris.

  23. Scala Times Issue #554

    SoftwareMill Open Source Bounties. Scala: a mature open-source project. Folding Cheat Sheet #8 - Folding with Monoids . Simple Contract-First Applications. Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!.

  24. Scala Times Issue #553

    Direct-style concurrent streaming. Open com-lihaoyi issue bounties. Scala Project Maintenance Survey. Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris.

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