What Scala has to offer for Java devs
Scala offers some unique features not present in Java that go far beyond mere syntactic convenience. Paweł Stawicki (@pawelstawicki) |
Purify Your Tests Episode IV: The Monoids Strike Back
In this part, rather than further improving our test code, we are going to see how to leverage our newly minted type parameters to improve our production code. Daniel Beskin |
On Scala Tooling & Stability: What Can We Learn From a Small Drama?
If we prioritise the most widely used tools (including IntelliJ) and integrate their support into the language evolution process, we can address both “tooling” and “stability” concerns. Voytek Pituła (@Krever01) |
Scala 2 maintenance plans
Maintenance of Scala 2.13 will continue indefinitely. Minimal maintenance of Scala 2.12 will continue as long as sbt 1 remains in wide use. Seth Tisue (@SethTisue) |