Tapir documentation improvements
New landing page, list of how-tos and examples, tutorials! Adam Warski (@adamwarski) |
Checked exceptions: fixed!
How to handle exceptions elegantly with the new Contingency library. Jon Pretty (@propensive) |
Crafting types with Scala 3 macros - Part 1: Introduction to macros
Macros, reflection API, and much more. Thilo Schuchort (@NullWasAMistake) |
how to see the trees using the Scala compilers
Here’s a memo on how to show trees using the Scala compilers. While this likely won’t be relevant for normal usage of Scala, having the direct knowledge of the tree can be useful when developing tooling or during metaprogramming. Eugene Yokota (@eed3si9n) |
Use cases for Scala
Please help us to document the critical uses for Scala, for public good, for open source, for research or industry. This will enhance our chances to get funds and help us maintain the critical infrastructure for Scala. Scala Center (@scala_lang) |