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July 11th, 2024, ISSUE 540


PureConfig with Scala 3 - Tutorial

While there are still some loose ends and navigating through the Scala 3 derivation in PureConfig can be confusing, the overall situation is much better than it was just a few months ago.
Grzegorz Bielski
Developer Experience in Open Source Software

Some reflections on DX, with examples from the Scala ecosystem.
Krzysztof Ciesielski (@kpciesielski)
"Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way!" PDF is free

Learn about Scala error-handling data types (Option, Try, and Either), and get started with ZIO!
Alvin Alexander (@alvinalexander)


ScalaBridge London @ SiriusXM!, Jul 18th

The final event of our summer term is hosted by SiriusXM! ScalaBridge London is a community run group for learning and improving at programming. We always run material for new programmers and each term we choose a new topic for more experienced developers. This term that topic is Cats Effects.
ScalaBridge (@ScalaBridge)
ScalaWAW #33 - beach party! Jul 25th

It's high time for the legendary annual ScalaWAW beach party! The idea is pretty simple - no talks, no strict formula, just chill and enjoy the beach, the weather, and of course networking with fellow (not-only-Scala) programmers.
ScalaWAW (@scalawaw)
Building Better Open Source with John A. De Goes, every Fri until September 2nd, Online event

Want to learn how open source software is made, or maybe get some help improving existing OSS? Then mark your calendars for Friday, the next Zymposium, 12 noon - 1pm Eastern Time.
Scala Portugal
Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain

Don't miss he largest Functional programming event in South Europe!
Lambda World (@lambda_world)


SCALAR Conference 2024 full playlist

All talks recorded and collected in one place.
SoftwareMill (@softwaremill)
Tapir Tutorial - part 6: Error Variants

When many things might go wrong, or right - describing success & errors outputs with many variants.
Adam Warski (@adamwarski)
Scala Space Podcast: The Future of Scala IDEs

Łukasz Biały and his guests are going to discuss the new developments in the area of Scala tooling and their possible impact for the future of Scala IDEs.
Igal Tabachnik and Jędrzej Rochala (@hmemcpy, @@jrochala)


scala-cli 1.4.0

Running the REPL with the test scope, using jvm directives are now always respected, support for Scala Native 0.5.4, Scala Toolkit 0.4.0 & 0.3.0 defaults, and more!
scala-cli contributors
raise4s 0.0.8

This version is focused on strengthening the integration with the Cats library. This time, we added support for the Validated[E, A] type.
Riccardo Cardin (@riccardo_cardin)

Multi-platform GPGPU computations with Scala, seamlessly.
scalag contributors
Ox 0.3.0

OxApp to define app entry points, a bunch of new Source operators, fixes, and dependency updates.
Ox contributors
chimney 1.3.0

Another pack of new featuers, improvements, and fixes!
Mateusz Kubuszok (@MateuszKubuszok)

  1. Scala Times Issue #548

    Perfect Tab Completions. David's programming examples knowledge base. Writing an Android app with Scala.js. Unison Forall, Sept 20th, remote conference. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain.

  2. Scala Times Issue #547

    Streaming Hash Computations. Launch Scala, faster than Native. Distributed locks in Kubernetes with Scala. The Future Software Engineer. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain.

  3. Scala Times Issue #546

    Upcoming Changes to Givens in Scala 3.7. Unexpected Scala Functions: groupMap. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. Call for Speakers - Art of Scala, Oct 10th, Warsaw, Poland. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris.

  4. Scala Times Issue #545

    ZIO-like dependency injection using implicit resolution. The Mechanics of Mitigation. Publishing test traces to Grafana using otel4s and weaver. Announcing Decisions4s: When Ifs Are Not Enough. State of structural typing support in Scala 3.3.0.

  5. Scala Times Issue #544

    Direct-style Bootzooka: 2024 update | SoftwareMill. The Tri-Z Architecture: a Pattern for Layering ZIO Applications in Scala. The Error Management Manifesto. Migrating to Safety. Benchmarking database sharding in Akka | @lightbend.

  6. Scala Times Issue #543

    Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. Metals v1.3.4 - Thallium | Metals.

  7. Scala Times Issue #542

    Effective Error Handling. Developer Ecosystem Survey 2024. Pseudorandom Acts of Kindness. Scala 3 Metaprogramming Learning Resources. Scala to WebAssembly: How and Why.

  8. Scala Times Issue #541

    Tapir documentation improvements. Checked exceptions: fixed!. Use cases for Scala. ScalaWAW #33 - beach party! Jul 25th. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain.

  9. Scala Times Issue #540

    PureConfig with Scala 3 - Tutorial. Developer Experience in Open Source Software. "Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way!" PDF is free. ScalaBridge London @ SiriusXM!, Jul 18th. ScalaWAW #33 - beach party! Jul 25th.

  10. Scala Times Issue #539

    YAML as a valid Scala 3 code. ExecutionContext.parasitic and Friends. ScalaBridge London @ SiriusXM!, Jul 18th. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. Faster and less mysterious sbt builds with Develocity.

  11. Scala Times Issue #538

    Make Impossible States Unrepresentable: Network Edition!. Ten things I like about Scala 3. Compiling Bad Code. The ZIO 2 “mental model”. JetBrains course: Functional Programming in Scala.

  12. Scala Times Issue #537

    A Logic Circuit Simulator with Cats-Actors. Magda Stożek - My Scala Story. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. ScalaBridge London Jun 20th, 2024. Armored type safety with Iron.

  13. Scala Times Issue #536

    Scala 3 improvements in Metals (and hopefully, IntelliJ IDEA). Purify Your Tests III: Lean, Mean Testing Machine. 12 years of the com.lihaoyi Scala Platform. Scala Is Not Going Anywhere. OpenTelemetry With Scala Futures.

  14. Scala Times Issue #535

    GraphQL in Scala: Role-Based Access Control. WebSocket chat using structured concurrency, Ox & Tapir. Tapir tutorials, part 1. Scala 2.13 LTS planning. A Sighting of filterA in Typelevel Rite of Passage.

  15. Scala Times Issue #534

    Lagom is approaching end of life: possible migration paths. WebSockets in Scala, Part 2: Integrating Redis and PostgreSQL. Scala service combined with PostgreSQL, Flyway, Doobie, Ciris, IO(Cats Effects), Http4s…. Akka 24.05: More Security. More Performance. More Efficiency.. Forking and Interruption in ZIO.

  16. Scala Times Issue #533

    Apache Pekko becomes a Top-Level Project. Scala Meetup at Evolution. Purify Your Tests: 2 Parametric, 2 Declarative. Introducing TARP Stack – Tapir, React and PostgreSQL. IO effect tracking using Ox.

  17. Scala Times Issue #532

    Duchess at Scala.io. Purify Your Tests. Tuning ZIO for high performance. JetBrains Joins the Scala Center Advisory Board!. Introducing com-lihaoyi Issue Bounties.

  18. Scala Times Issue #531

    Que es un Higher-Kinded Type de Scala?. ScalaMatsuri, June 7th-9th, Tokyo, Japan. Custom-compile errors with a venegance. Data Engineering at Netflix using Apache Spark and Flink.

  19. Scala Times Issue #530

    Direct-style Effects Explained. How to build AI apps with Scala 3 & Besom. Spec-first and code-first, hand in hand. ScalaMatsuri, June 7th-9th, Tokyo, Japan. Direct Style Scala Stack - An Experiment.

  20. Scala Times Issue #529

    Jacek Kunicki - My Scala Story. Kalix tutorial: Building invoice application. Safe direct-style Scala: Ox 0.1.0 released. LambdaConf, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado. LambdaConf - The Grand Hackathon Finale, May 10th.

  21. Scala Times Issue #528

    Lean Scala: Reddit discussion. Learn Functional Programming The Fast Way!. Caliban on Tailcalls's GraphQL benchmarks. LambdaConf, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado. LambdaConf - The Grand Hackathon Finale, May 10th.

  22. Scala Times Issue #527

    How implicits are useful . ScalaWAW #32, Apr 18th, Warsaw. LambdaConf, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado. LambdaConf - The Grand Hackathon Finale, May 10th. ScalaMatsuri, June 7th-9th, Tokyo, Japan.

  23. Scala Times Issue #526

    Announcing the Scala Ambassadors initiative. Supporting high-performance response streaming in Shardcake. IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2024.1 Is Out!. LambdaConf, May 4th-10th, Estes Park, Colorado. ScalaMatsuri, June 7th-9th, Tokyo, Japan.

  24. Scala Times Issue #525

    Scams in the Scala Community update. Why we bet on Scala at SwissBorg. Capture Checking in Scala 3.4. Why Effects libs? . Benchmarking Tapir: Part 3 (Loom).

  25. Scala Times Issue #524

    Tapir dropping Scala 2.12 support. Scala 3 Roadmap for 2024. Leveraging sbt remote caching on a big modular monolith. Krzysztof Ciesielski - My Scala Story. The Montréal Effect: Why Programming Languages Need a Style Czar.

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