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September 5th, 2024, ISSUE 548


Perfect Tab Completions

Tab completions are usually added to CLI applications, one shell at a time, as (welcome) afterthoughts by other developers who know how to write them, but who may not be so proactive in maintaining them. I want to fix that with a library I've been developing over the last few years: Exoskeleton.
Jon Pretty (@propensive)
David's programming examples knowledge base

A huge repository of various code examples in Scala, categorized.
Crosson David (@crodav)
Writing an Android app with Scala.js

There are still alternative ways to write Android apps. One of the simplest (which is what I'll be writing about) is using Scala.js and Electron. While Electron apps are not ideal, this approach is still good enough for most small applications. So, here's a post about what went well and what went wrong during this process. Hopefully this will be helpful to others wanting to write an app in Scala.
João D. Costa (@JD557)
com.lihaoyi issue bounties, September 2024 edition

September's bounties are all Mill themed, around fleshing out Mill's usability from Java and other languages. None of them require deep knowledge of Mill internals, and are suitable for even casual users to pick up and try and implement. They are a non-trivial amount of work, and the bounty values reflect that to try and make it worthwhile
Li Haoyi (@li_haoyi)
huge performance boost for sbt-git

Yesterday I was profiling sbt loading time and I found that sbt-git was using about 40% of the CPU time.
Adrien Piquerez (@adrienpi2)


Unison Forall, Sept 20th, remote conference

Whether you're a seasoned Unison developer or just curious about the future of programming, this conference is a chance to explore the friendly and powerful world of Unison, a language designed from the ground up to simplify modern software development.
Unison (@unisonweb)
Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain

Don't miss he largest Functional programming event in South Europe!
Lambda World (@lambda_world)
Call for Speakers - Art of Scala, Oct 10th, Warsaw, Poland

Don't miss this live (+online) Scala conference in a great venue in central Warsaw! Call for Speakers ends Sept 10th.
Evolution Engineering + ScalaWAW
Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris

This edition brings us together in Paris for two days, with a multi-session structure and a large community space. With a great venue, wonderful speakers, and a lot of surprises, we are looking forward to meeting you there!
Scala.IO (@ScalaIO_FR)


Helenus v1.0.0

Helenus is collection of Scala utilities for Apache Cassandra. This release is the first major one for Scala 3.
Gustavo De Micheli (@nMoncho)
Scala 2.12.20

This release improves compatibility and compiler-profiling.
Scala contributors
Apache Pekko 1.1.0

Bugfixes, additional APIs, and a lot of other changes.
Apache Pekko contributors

  1. Scala Times Issue #569

    Scala Tooling Spree #1 recap. Scala 3 Migration: Report from the Field. Circuit Breaker — Ox 0.x documentation. The joys of messaging without a message bus. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  2. Scala Times Issue #568

    GSoC 2025: Call for Scala projects. Next Scala 3 LTS series will increase minimum required JDK version. Pre-SIP: A Syntax for Collection Literals. Scala Macros and Metaprogramming course. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  3. Scala Times Issue #567

    Recap of Advent of Code 2024. Running Cask with Virtual Threads. Zio Schema vs Rust Serde. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland.

  4. Scala Times Issue #566

    Random Scala Tip #568: Beware of Leaking Iterators. Announcing ScalaMock 7. Functional Programming In Scala, Jan 25th, Online Event. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland.

  5. Scala Times Issue #565

    Random Scala Tip #697: Avoid Anonymous Functions as Dependencies. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland. IntelliJ IDEA x Scala - Enums Support.

  6. Scala Times Issue #564

    Google Summer of Code 2024 - Going Feral on The Cloud. Rant on Scala3 tooling (IntelliJ/metals). Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland. Where Are the Scala Frameworks? .

  7. Scala Times Issue #563

    Rust vs Scala: Facts and Hype. The IntelliJ Scala Plugin in 2024. Technical Note: Using Circe with java.net.http. Faster CI with Selective Testing. Gems in the Scala Ecosystem.

  8. Scala Times Issue #562

    What Scala has to offer for Java devs. Purify Your Tests Episode IV: The Monoids Strike Back. Scala 2 maintenance plans. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland. CFP for Lambda Days, June 12th-13th 2025, Kraków, Poland.

  9. Scala Times Issue #561

    Scala's Hidden Treasures: Five ZIO-Compatible Libraries you didn't know you needed!. A succinct early exit trick for Option in Scala. Integrate JobRunr into Play Framework. Relative simple and small type-driven dependency injection. Scala Space in 2025 .

  10. Scala Times Issue #560

    Free Develocity Build Scans. Pragmatic Type-Level Design. Join us for the Advent of Code 2024. Zio-kafka, faster than java-kafka. Debugging a Scala Compilation Issue, a journey into Variance and LUB.

  11. Scala Times Issue #559

    Last bounties to collect for tapir and sttp. Mill $1000 bounty: Use Scala-Native for Mill Client. Free Develocity Build Scans. 10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  12. Scala Times Issue #558

    New Module Layout for sbt Projects. How I SBT - V. Zionomicon for ZIO 2.1 (free ebook). 10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!. Scalar, Mar 27th - 28th 2025, Warsaw, Poland.

  13. Scala Times Issue #557

    What is Functional Programming?. Announcing Akka 3. Idiomatic dependency injection for ZIO applications in Scala. ZIO in 2025. Upcoming Changes to Givens in Scala 3.7.

  14. Scala Times Issue #556

    Benchmark results: jsoniter-scala vs simdjson-java . Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris. Functional Scala CFP, Dec 5th, online event. 10% discount for Scala Times readers for Functional Scala conference!.

  15. Scala Times Issue #555

    (In)Validating Library Design. Postmortem of Scala 3.6.0. How to implement LETS on ChainCash. Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris.

  16. Scala Times Issue #554

    SoftwareMill Open Source Bounties. Scala: a mature open-source project. Folding Cheat Sheet #8 - Folding with Monoids . Simple Contract-First Applications. Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!.

  17. Scala Times Issue #553

    Direct-style concurrent streaming. Open com-lihaoyi issue bounties. Scala Project Maintenance Survey. Scalar 2025 extends call for papers!. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris.

  18. Scala Times Issue #552

    Optimal Scalafmt configuration using Genetic Algorithms. Cancellable HTTP requests via Scala's Tapir. Game of Life with Scala.js and Webassembly. Scala without effect systems. The Martin Odersky way.. Scalar 2025 Early Birds!.

  19. Scala Times Issue #551

    Functional Programming in Scala - Edu Plugin. Inline your boilerplate - harnessing Scala 3 metaprogramming without macros. Scalar 2025 Early Birds!. Lambda World, Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. Art of Scala, Oct 10th, Warsaw, Poland.

  20. Scala Times Issue #550

    Autowire: Zero-Cost Dependency Injection. Another bunch of com.lihaoyi Mill issue bounties. Comparison of Kyo and traditional effects. Scala & Akka: How to secure your code. Fun with Types: All Types of Physics Computations.

  21. Scala Times Issue #549

    Capabilities for Control. Scalar 2025 Call for Papers is open!. Unison Forall, Sept 20th, remote conference. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. Call for Speakers - Art of Scala, Oct 10th, Warsaw, Poland.

  22. Scala Times Issue #548

    Perfect Tab Completions. David's programming examples knowledge base. Writing an Android app with Scala.js. Unison Forall, Sept 20th, remote conference. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain.

  23. Scala Times Issue #547

    Streaming Hash Computations. Launch Scala, faster than Native. Distributed locks in Kubernetes with Scala. The Future Software Engineer. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain.

  24. Scala Times Issue #546

    Upcoming Changes to Givens in Scala 3.7. Unexpected Scala Functions: groupMap. Lambda World. Oct 2nd - 4th, Cadiz, Spain. Call for Speakers - Art of Scala, Oct 10th, Warsaw, Poland. Scala.IO, Nov 7th-8th, Paris.

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